Hey guys,
Here it is…time for another rundown of what to expect this week at CFS. As always it’s a great week filled with a good amount of variance and rep schemes! Hopefully everyone could make it to Yoga For Athletes and we’ll be looking for feedback and deciding if this is something we should regularly bring to Simplicity. Have a quick look at the announcements below and then we will dive into this coming week…
- New CFS shirts are for sale at the gym in both black and white! Shirts are $20.
- CFS Committed Club goal for Jan is 21 visits! Remember to get in here and stay committed…might pay off with some cool prize but it will definitely pay off with some cool results!
- War of the WODs is a local competition is Greensboro this weekended. We have athletes competing in the partner division on Sunday that would love your support cheering them on!
- Saturday Feb 16th is our 2 Year Anniversary and the next community class/Bring A Friend Day with DJ-LA! Save the date and plan to be there to celebrate with us!
Monday: Starting off the week with a cool little three round piece! This one looks pretty light but it’s actually tough. We’ll have burpee pull-ups and front squats. The burpee pull-ups are slow and a little tedious so definitely pace these and settle in. The front squat weight is on the moderate side and it’s from the floor. The weight should be challenging but something you can push through in one or two sets each round. Preferably unbroken on the first or second round if possible.
Tuesday: Heavy Day! (Or maybe we should say “lifting day” because we still want technique to be the focus over weight on the bar) Today will be the Clean and Jerk! The reps are descending from set to set so we will hopefully see a weight increase across these sets. There will be a jerk after each rep (even on the triples and doubles) but we’ll use quick singles as opposed to touch-n-go reps so that we can work on the first pull from the floor.
Wednesday: RETEST! Love these days! We’ll do doing a great Hero workout: Holleyman. This is one we did in the past so be sure to check and see if you have a previous time on this workout. This one is 30 rounds but the reps are super short and the transitions are quick so try to stay moving. The goal here is sub 30min so be sure to scale accordingly so that you can get the proper stimulus.
Thursday: We have a pretty cool day today! Starting off with some 400m sprints like last week then getting into some “accessory work” with some pushing and pulling. The pulling will he rope climbs or strict pull-ups and the pushing will be single arm kettlebell or dumbbell presses. This second piece will be for quality and not time.
Friday: I wish I could sugar coat this one…it’s good…but it’s going to hurt a little. And that’s good! these are the workouts that build us both mentally and physically! We have 2 Couplets that are really similar. Both will have a row/bike and a barbell. The first one will incorporate thrusters while the second one will incorporate clean and jerks. The thruster weight is pretty standard and the clean and jerk weight is light. We will have one couplet followed by a five minute rest and then directly into the next couple it. Your score will be your total time for both workouts including your rest. Pace this one out smart but still push yourself on the first one knowing that you will have a five-minute rest.
Saturday: Saturday is going to be awesome! It’s 3 partner couplets but each person will complete one after the other in succession until each partner has done all three. Each couplet incorporates a barbell and a more plyometric/aerobic movement. It’s Saturday so it’s guaranteed to be good!
All in all we have a fantastic week ahead of us with lots of great workouts! Remember to read over the announcements and plug some of these dates into your calendar. Attendance and commitment has been super high in the gym so far and we need to keep it up as the month winds down. Hope you all are excited and we hope to see you all in class!