CFS Weekly Rundown (3/7-3/12)

Hey guys,

      What a beautiful Sunday we are having here in Burlington North Carolina! I don’t know about you all but it’s making me anxious for spring at Simplicity. What a great evening to crack into this week’s edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! It’s going to be a great week with some nice weather and some even better workouts. Remember this will be our third and final week of the CrossFit Open so that means our last Friday night lights will be this Friday at 5pm! I’m super excited about this week‘s theme! All you Office fans are going to love these quotes so get ready! Now let’s dive in…

  • Friday Night Lights: This is the last Open workout this year and that means the last Friday Night Lights from 5-7pm. We want you all to make it out to celebrate the Open and this awesome community. So come out Friday night to cheer us on whether you are signed up for the Open or not! We are also going to do a little potluck so bring your favorite dish and BYOB if you would like! And bring your friends!
  • We just wrapped up our eight week strength cycle so we will be taking a two week break to let our bodies recover before beginning our next cycle. Enjoy this time to get in some good conditioning and a little bit of accessory work that you will notice each day in class after the workout.

Monday: As I mentioned above we will be taking a two week break from our strength cycle. This means we will be doing conditioning and then some accessory work each day in class. Also this is the start of our “Office” theme this week so we’ll be kicking off with, “I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.” This is going to be three sets with a 1:1 rest between each set. One set will include 20 hang dumbbell snatches, 15 cal on the assault bike, 20 alternating hang dumbbell clean and jerks, and five wall walks. Stimulus is moderate to hide intensive today. Once you guys to shoot for similar scores across each round or getting slightly faster. Lower amount of reps on all movements and your rest ratio means that you guys can push the pace each round. We’ve seen something similar to this in the open so remember there will be a decent amount of shoulder fatigue from the dumbbell movements as we go into the wall walks. Be mindful of that as you hit this workout. When we wrap up we will do a little bit of accessory work including some curls and step back lunges.

Tuesday: We have a sweet piece for you guys today called, “I’m not superstitious, but I’m a little stitious.” This is going to be a descending rep workout of air squats, sit ups, and rope climbs. A super simple yet effective workout. Stimulus is moderate intensity across all rounds and we want you guys to settle into a consistent pace for all movements and then begin to push the pace as you get into the smaller rounds. We will start with 50 reps of air squats and sit ups and then descend by 10 reps each round. Rope climbs will begin at five reps and descend by one rep each round. Make sure you are really focusing on the quality of your air squats and be virtuous with these movements. Get the most out of this workout!

Wednesday: Today’s workout will be similar to yesterday‘s in layout but different movements. ” The worst thing about prison was the dementors.” Is going to be a descending rep workout of calories on the rower, push-ups, and double unders. Stimulus is moderate pacing across rounds while planning strategic sets for the push-ups to avoid burn out. This will be a good push pool combo that will give you guys a nice little chest pump. Effort on the row should be around 75% so that we can get off and really attack the push-ups and the double unders. After this we will have a little bit of core accessory work to round out the day!

Thursday: We have a pretty spicy five round work out for you guys today. “If I don’t have some cake soon, I might die” is going to be five rounds of a 200m run, ten pull ups, 20 wallballs, and 10 toes to bar. Stimulus is moderate intensity across all rounds. Arm fatigue may be unexpected but will build across rounds due to your hands being essentially overhead for the last three movements of each round. Keep this in mind and set up pace with the first round and see if you can stay within 10 to 20 seconds of that pace for the next four rounds. When we finish up we have some great accessory work including some bent over lateral raises and some weighted hip thrusters.

Friday: Open workout 22.3…what will it be?! This is the last week of the CrossFit open and we are going to celebrate with a potluck Friday night lights. Everyone bring their favorite dish and BYOB if you would like. 5 to 7 PM and all are welcome!

Saturday: Partner workout! “I am Beyoncé, always” is going to be a three-part workout. Part one consists of overhead squats and biking/running. Do you have a three minute rest and then part two will be heavier overhead squats and biking/running. Then finally you will have another three minute rest and rounds of even heavier overhead squats and more biking/running. A little confusing but trust us that the layout will make sense when you see it in Wodify and on the whiteboard. As always encourage your partner and have fun!

       Well, that’s all we got for this weeks edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown. We have a really awesome week in store and we can’t wait to celebrate wrapping up the CrossFit Open with you guys Friday night at our potluck Friday night lights event! Remember to bring your favorite dish if you can and feel free to invite a friend. You guys have been doing amazing this year so far and an awesome job in the Open. It is such a testament to all of the hard work and dedication you guys put in each and every week here in the gym. Remember to stay consistent and most importantly keep having fun! Now enjoy what’s left of your weekend and get plenty of rest and relaxation so we can hit it hard on Monday. See you all in class!
