Hey guys,
Hope everyone had an awesome Fourth of July celebrating all of our fitness, friendships, and freedoms! We had a great week last week and some pretty tough workouts surrounding the 4th so hopefully you all get in some decent rest and recovery the rest of the weekend and are ready to hit it hard Monday! If you were with us last July you might have remembered our programming running a sort of “Hero month.” This is where we ran about 15 different hero workouts within the month of July. Although this was a pretty cool and patriotic idea, it turned out to be a little much for most of us so we have decided to scale things back a bit this year. However, you can still expect to see maybe one or two hero workouts each week this month. Remember that just because it’s a hero workout doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an awful or grueling workout. There are still plenty that are relatively short. Often times simply knowing it’s a hero workout is what makes the workout worse in our minds. So remember, no matter what you see programmed, win the workout in your mind first and everything else will fall in place. Now check out the announcements below and see what we have in store this week.
- Women’s tanks are in! Most of these were pre-order so if you haven’t gotten yours but you have already paid for it be sure to ask your coach and pick yours up in the gym. There are also some extras which will be first come first serve.
- The new T-shirts are in as well! Ask your coach if you’d like to snag one of these. They are $20 each.
- Standards for the Simplicity Summer Series partner competition will be released today, as well as the first workout! Keep an eye on your email in the following weeks for updates on the competition.
- I need to apologize about the delay on the competition. It’s been a busy time I have gotten behind releasing the workouts and the registration. Have no fear though, the competition is still on and will be great! Be sure to secure your partner and we will try to have a registration open and close in about a weeks time. So when you see the link go live be sure to go ahead and jump on signing up so that we can get T-shirts ordered as well!
Monday: We have a pretty basic triplet for you today but not one that’s not necessarily going to be easy. This one has a good bit of aerobic movements and some decent barbell cycling. All of this is certainly going to get your heart rate up so try to be smart and pace the first half of the workout. The barbell work will be a moderate clean and jerk so try to stay on the bar and look for a weight you can do about 8-10 singles in a minute (roughly a rep every 7 seconds). When you get to the burpees and running just try to stay moving at a steady pace. It’s tempting to “rest” on the run but do try to keep working here. Overall this is a great way to kick off the week!
Tuesday: We have something a little interesting in the strength department today. We will start the class off with some sets of weighted pull-ups. These are a great way to develop strength in your pull-up so try you best with these today. We are looking for a heavy set of 3 strict pull-ups. If you don’t have your pull-up, don’t sweat it. This is a great time to work on some time under tension throughout your pull-up. Use bands but make sure it’s difficult to complete only three reps at a time. They should be challenging. You should be able to do no more than 3 to 4 reps strict with the bands you choose. After this we will have an interesting little rowing piece to get a little conditioning in for the day! Good stuff!
Wednesday: Hump day! This one is going to be so good…and might burn a little! Lots of volume in this one but with a light weight deadlift. Sprinkle in some short runs and some lateral bar over burpees and you have an excellent conditioning piece to get you over that half way mark this week! Consistency is going to key here across rounds because we have 8 total! Breathe and move!
Thursday: Weightlifting day! Power cleans are on the menu today. Arguably most people’s favorite weightlifting movements and certainly one of mine! Reps will be low so weights should be high. Let’s see if we can hit a PR today and really go for it if it’s feeling good. We’ll have a little accessory work after this but let’s focus on the power clean for the majority of class. Remember to keep your chest up, back flat, and your core right during your pull from the floor. Keeping your knuckles down will help you get a quick turnover after you contact your thigh and begin shrugging under the bar. It’s important with the power clean to have quick elbows and to try to shoot your hips back and keep your feet underneath you. Remember one important thing: if you miss a power clean it should turn into a full/squat clean. Move fast and have fun!
Friday: Friday’s are always the best and we have a solid one to kick off the weekend! This one is 10 rounds but the rep scheme is short so don’t get too worried. This one has a little something for everyone with front squats (on the heavy side), box jump overs, and toes-to-bar. There is a fair amount of muscle competition in this one as the box jumps and toes-to-bar will definitely make the front squats a little tougher. This means you might need to take a little more rest getting back to the bar because we want these front squats unbroken. All in all this is a great workout and a good start to the weekend!
Saturday: Hero Day! This one is actually pretty cool so we hope you’ll enjoy it. The workout is “Hall” and it’s good. This one has a rest built in that is roughly 1:1 so we’ll be turning this into a partner workout with a “you go/I go” style alternating rounds. Try to push yourself on this one and keep the rounds to a bit of a sprint since you know you’ll have your partner to rely on for the rest!
Overall we have a great week and an exciting month in general! Remember to stay focused on your goals and try to make small/micro goals to keep you motivated and to see progress. Be consistent and don’t sweat a bad day here and there. Remember to be rounding up your partner because we will need to register for the partner competition in a relatively short amount of time once the link is live. If you have any questions about the competition, T-shirts, or anything else be sure to ask your coach and we hope to see you all in class!