CFS Weekly Rundown (8/19-8/24)

Hey guys,

       It’s that glorious time of the week! Time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown. It’s a beautiful day here in Burlington, North Carolina and we have some excellent programming in store for you guys. Don’t forget that along with our normal class programming and we also offer “weakness work” programs that you can request and we will email you directly. These include running, rowing, gymnastics, etc. this week we have an excellent mixture of strength, skill, and aerobic work that’s going to help get us to the next level. Try to get in here as consistently as possible and with a good attitude so we can put in some work and knock it out. Also be sure to have a quick look at the announcements before we dive into the programming. Let’s go!

  • Trivia Night at CFS: We are pumped for trivia night at CFS! This is September 14th at 7pm! Teams of no more than 6 people (could be less) and you can invite whoever you’d like. We want this to be a fun night for all. We’ll have some general snacks but feel free to bring drinks or whatever you’d like. We’ll have prizes for the winners!



Back Squat – 5×2 Dyn

Strict Press – 1×20

DL 3×5-C


1xmax GHD


Dips 2×12

SL DB RDL 2×12/side

Hollow Hold 2xALAP


Aerobic Prep

Chipper (moderate effort)

10 Shuttle Runs

20 Burpees to Target

30 Box Stepovers (24/20″)

Time cap: 7 minutes

Aerobic Power

Complete 5 rounds for time

150m Run

8 Lateral BBJO (24/20″)

Goal: sub 8

Cap: 10

Every additional rep remaining after cap = 1 second

Every 10m = 1 rep



E2M x4 rounds:

Max intent Box Jump (24/20”) x1

Muscle Snatch + Pressing SB + Sotts Press x2 (full complex = 1 rep)

Snatch clusters 4×3 (e20s)

Engine EMOM

x4 rounds

1. 12/10 cal Row

2. 10 V Ups + 1 RC

3. 8 Burpee Pull Ups

4+. 5 Wall Walks

Goal : complete in 18 minutes or less

Cap: 20 min

Every additional wall walk rep remaining after cap = 1 second

*Wall Walks minute does not need to be completed in 1 minute. If more than 1 minute is needed,

start Row minute on next fresh minute.

Example: Round 1 wall walks take 1:25, therefore finish at 5:25. Begin row at 6:00


Aerobic Prep


E5M x 2 rounds

16/13 cal Row

12 Box Jumps (48/40″)

8 Shuttle Runs

Aerobic Capacity

x10 rounds

20/15 cal Echo Bike

-1:00 rest between rounds-

Scoring – score total number of rounds completed

Goal: sub 2 min each round

Cap: 2:30 each round



Front Squat – 5×2 Dyn

Bench Press – 1×20

RDL 3×5-C


HSW: EMOM x 5: 6-20′

Heavy DU: 6×20

BMU: EMOM x5 2-5 reps


Strict Pullup 2×12

DB RFESS 2×12/side

DB Side Bend 2×12/side



A1.) Clean Pull + Floating Clean Pull 4×4 (1+3)

A2.) Jerk Dip 4×2

B1.) High Hang Clean 4×2

B2.) BTN Split Jerk 4×2


With a partner, complete AMRAP in 12 minutes

15 Clean and Jerks (95/65)*

15 Synchro TTB

*Can split as desired

-Rest 2 min after 12 minutes is complete, then-

Complete AMRAP in 8 minutes

10 Clean and Jerks (135/65)*

50 Synchro Double Unders**

*Can split as desired

-Rest 2 min after 8 min is complete, then-

Complete AMRAP in 4 minutes

5 Clean and Jerks (185/125)*

5 Synchro SHSPU**

*Can split as desired

Score total reps rounds + reps completed

Goal: 12+

**Both partners complete movement at same time but individual reps do not need to be synchronized. However, your team cannot begin the next round of C&J until both partners complete their set of Double Unders / SHSPU

     Well, that’s all we’ve got for you guys this Sunday afternoon! I hope everyone is excited about this week at the gym and ready to get in here and put in some quality work. It’s an amazing atmosphere when everyone shows up ready to grind and with a great attitude. We are so thankful for the community that we have here together And the fun times we share in our fitness journey. I hope everyone has had an amazing weekend and gets plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!
