Hey guys,
Great work last week! It was certainly a tough one but that’s good sometimes. This week is looking really good as we close out September. Remember to get signed up for our in-house competition and give yourself that extra motivation to work hard and be consistent. This is going to be a great competition for you guys and the workouts are very simple, short, and effective. You can handle it! Now, be sure to check out the announcements at the end of the rundown and have a great week.
Monday: Starting the week off with a descending rep chipper. This one starts off with some really high volume kettlebell swings so break things up smart to save your shoulders and grip…you’ll need them later in the workout. Sets of 15-30 are probably best here. You’ll have a good bit of pushing and pulling after the swings.
Tuesday: Heavy Day! We’ll be hitting the legs today with some front squats. The goal is to work to a heavy single here and it’ll be a great day to go for a new one rep max! After this you’ll have some weighted box step-ups to finish things off. This are a great accessory for your quads and glutes.
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday? Maybe not quite, but things will be a little odd. Plate carries are coming back today (bear hug and overhead) as well as some double unders and pull-ups…good day!
Thursday: Today is actually going to be a pretty challenging day that will test you both mentally and physically. When we think of an EMOM we typically think of a more mild workout that incorporates some sort of structured rest. However, they are also great tools for forcing a higher intensity throughout the entire workout. This will be the case today. It will be a challenge to finish the prescribed reps within each minute which will limit the amount of rest you get between movements. Try to trust your fitness and hang tight on this one as it is only 12 minutes long.
Friday: Another great “EMOM” style workout for us here again today! Except this one is on the “2 minute,” so we’ll be trying to get a set amount of work done every two minutes and the remaining time will be your rest. Front squats and toes-to-bar make this a challenging workout because you will really notice each movement get more and more challenging as your core begins to fatigue. Again, try to hang in there and trust your fitness!
Saturday: This will be a pretty fun Saturday and a little bit different than normal. Instead of a longer partner workout we’ll have a shorter 15 minute partner AMRAP and then a little pulling work to follow. This Saturday is also the first week in our next 4 week cycle of the gymnastics course so be sure to email daniel@crossfitsimplicity.com if you would like to get a spot in the class!
– In-house competition sign-up ends Oct 12th at midnight so get signed up! Registration includes your entry fee, a free T-shirt and a goodie bag, and lunch to follow the event! Click “competition” to sign up!
– Our next 4 week gymnastics course starts this Saturday, September 29th, at 10:30 AM! Email daniel@crossfitsimplicity.com to reserve your spot in the class. 8 spots remaining.
– Our next CrossFit Simplicity social is this Saturday, September 29th, from 6 PM to 9 PM at Red Oak Brewery for their Oktoberfest event!
– Our “Back to school: Sweat in style” event with Lululemon Greensboro is slated to be rescheduled in the near future so be on the lookout.
Lots of great stuff coming up soon at CrossFit Simplicity and another good week ahead of us! Can’t wait to see you all in class!