CFS Weekly Rundown (10/7-10/12)

Hey guys,

      It’s a gorgeous Sunday here in Burlington North Carolina and time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! We have an awesome week in store for you guys and some great programming! You guys have been crushing it so let’s keep it up! I want to keep this short because I have a cool announcement I want you guys to read below. READ BELOW ⬇️

  • Oct Run/Walk Challenge: Starting Monday 10/7 we are doing a “mile a day” run/walk challenge. There’s a sign-up sheet at the gym. Put your name on the sheet and every day you run or walk a mile make sure to mark this on your sheet. At the end of the month each day you ran a mile you will get you an entry into a drawing for one of our $100 reverse raffle tickets! The more days you do your mile, the greater your odds of winning! Get Moving!
  • Bring a Friend Day: We are going to have a “Bring a Friend Day” Saturday Oct 12th at 9am! This is a great chance to bring that one friend you’ve been telling about CrossFit. We’ll have a first time friendly workout and a lot of fun so try to spread the word and come join us!
  • Reverse Raffle: We are having a reverse raffle at the shrine club on November 16th!Tickets are $100 and include a steak dinner and a full open bar! (You may also mark your ticket for another meal/drinks and pay $40 at the door for that person if you want to bring someone who doesn’t want a full ticket/entry into the raffle.) Raffle is for CASH! Only 200 tickets are sold. Money numbers pulled every 20 numbers starting with the first ticket, and the top prize for the last ticket drawn is $5,000! These are a ton of fun and there are 50/50 raffles during the event and tons of chances to win some money!
  • Spike Ball Tournament: We are going to be having a spike ball tournament November 9that CFS. This will be in the afternoon on Saturday. Teams of 2, no previous experience required, do not have to a CFS member to enter or play! (There is also a rumor of some t-shirts….)



Back Squat – 2×10- 10% peel

Strict Press – 6×2-C

DL 6×2 Dyn




RC – 10 AFAP


10 min AMRAP – moderate effort

Ring Dips x10

Low Back Extension x10

V-Ups x15


Aerobic Prep

E3M x 3 rounds

20/16 cal Echo

40 Crossovers

Aerobic Power

2:00 on, 5:00 off x3 rounds

400/320m Row

Max Box Jumpovers (24/20″) in remaining time

Goal: 18+ Box Jumpovers



A1.) Snatch High Pull + Floating Snatch High Pull 4×4 (1+3)

A2.) Snatch Balance 4×2

B1.) Hang Snatch 4×2

Engine EMOM

x4 rounds

1. 10 Burpees to target

2. 15 Wall Balls (20/14)

3. 3 Wall Walks + 3 D-DB Devil’s Press (50/35s)

4+5. 20/15 cal Echo

Scoring: score total rounds “Trump Minute” is completed

Goal: 4 rounds

Max score: 4 rounds


Aerobic Prep

Complete for time (moderate effort)

400m Run

20 Burpees

200m Run

10 Burpees

Time cap: 8 min

Aerobic Capacity

Every 4:00 x8 rounds

6 Shuttle Runs

Max cal Echo in remaining time

Score total Echo calories completed

Goal: 288/240+ calories



Front Squat – 2×10- 10% peel

Bench Press – 6×2-C

RDL 6×2 Dyn


GHD 4×5-10 w/ MB


10 min AMRAP – moderate effort

Strict Pull-ups x10

DB Walking Lunges x50 (50/35s)

KB Side Bend x10/side



E2M x5 rounds:

Broad Jump x2

Tall Clean + CG Sotts Press + Tall Jerk x2 (full complex = 1 rep)

Clean and Jerk clusters 5×2 (e20s)


Complete with a Partner

From 0:00-10:00

30 Clean and Jerks (95/65)

20 Bar Facing Burpees

30 Power Snatches (95/65)

20 Bar Facing Burpees


20 Bar Facing Burpees

-rest remaining time-

From 10:00-13:00

Partner A: establish 1RM power snatch

Partner B: establish 1RM clean and jerk

Score 1 = time to complete Part 1*

Score 2 = total team weight lifted in Part 2

*Every rep remaining after cap = 1 second

      Well, that’s all we’ve got for you guys today! You know it’s gonna be a great week here at CrossFit Simplicity so get in here as much as possible. Don’t forget to run or walk a mile every day in October for a chance to win one of our $100 reverse raffle tickets. This reverse raffle will take place November 16th at the Burlington Shrine Club and we would love to see you all there! Chance to win thousands of dollars! It’s going to be fun. Now enjoy what’s left of your weekend and get plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!
