Hey guys,
It’s another beautiful Sunday here in Burlington, North Carolina and it’s time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! As far as transitions go, this is going to be a Rundown for the CFS history books! Not only are we transitioning from one month to another this week, we are also transitioning from one space to another! As I’m sure you guys have all heard, this will be our last week at our current CrossFit Simplicity location. Come this Saturday. We will be transitioning into the future home of CrossFit Simplicity and we are thrilled! I’ll slap a few more details below, but we have a great week of programming for everyone so we hope you guys are excited!
- CrossFit Simplicity will be closed March 1st through March 3rd for our move. That is this coming Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. We will be open for normal hours starting Tuesday, March 4th!
- 3549 S Church St: This is our new address for CrossFit Simplicity starting in March! We are working feverishly to prepare the space and will be working just as feverishly this coming weekend to get everything moved over and set up for you guys. I’ll be sending out an email with a sign-up sheet if you would like to help us on Saturday or Sunday! We would absolutely welcome and be extremely grateful for any and all help from you guys!
- CrossFit Open: The 2025 CrossFit Open begins this Thursday! Everyone be sure to go out and get signed up this week! Typically you would have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to complete your open workout and submit your score. However, because of our move, everyone will need to get their workout completed Friday for week one. This can be done during your normal class time, but it would be even better if you could join us at 5:30 PM for Friday Night Lights at CrossFit Simplicity!
- Friday Night Lights: Every Friday during the three weeks of the CrossFit Open we will have a Friday Night Lights event. This will start at 5:30 PM and will continue until the last heat is finished. Heat size is always dependent on the workout that is announced and how many people we can run at one time. Remember that we also need judges so please come ready to do your workout but also potentially help judge others in another heat! Hitting your workout during Friday night lights ensures that you have a judge, an awesome and supportive atmosphere that’s high energy and motivational so that you can get your best score possible! This is a great opportunity for us to come together and support each other and have some fun so we hope you guys will be able to make it! if you’re not signed up for The Open, we’d still love to have you in attendance to watch or even help judge!
Reps can be performed in any rep scheme desired, with the goal of accumulating as many high quality, heavy reps as possible.
2:00 AMRAP @90% max
-1:00 to change weights-
2:00 AMRAP @86%
-1:00 to change weights-
2:00 AMRAP @82%
Score total reps
Back Squat
Reps can be performed in any rep scheme desired, with the goal of accumulating as many high quality, heavy reps as possible.
2:00 AMRAP @90% max
-1:00 to change weights-
2:00 AMRAP @86%
-1:00 to change weights-
2:00 AMRAP @82%
Score total reps
Comp Phase 2025 Open Metcon #7
EMOM until 100 Handstand Pushups are completed
10 TTB
5 Power Snatches @95/65
AMRAP HSPU in remaining time
Pre-Fatigue EMOM
Comp Phase Pre-Fatigue EMOM #7
2 Rounds (moderate volume so all movements are roughly RPE 8)
1. 8/6 cal – 12/10 cal Ski
2. 8-12 D-DB Front Squat (50/35s)
3. 8-12 D-DB Push Press (50/35s)
4. 10-15 Ring Rows
5. Rest
Score total reps completed
Comp Phase 2025 Barbell Metcon #4
12 Thrusters @95/65
12 Bar Muscle Up
10 Thrusters @115/85
10 Burpee Pullups
8 Thrusters @135/95
8 Bar Muscle Up
6 Thrusters @155/105
6 Burpee Pullups
4 Thrusters @165/115
4 Bar Muscle Up
2 Thrusters @185/125
2 Burpee Pullups
Score time to complete
Goal: sub 12 min
Cap: 15 min
Rx+ Option
For Time:
12 Thrusters @115/85
12 RMU
10 Thrusters @135/95
10 BMU
8 Thrusters @155/105
6 Thrusters @185/125
4 Thrusters @205/145
2 Thrusters @225/155
Engine EMOM
Power Clean + Push Jerk
6×2 EMOM 70%
EMOM x6 min, complete 2 Power Clean & Push Jerk @70% max. Complete as singles. Emphasize speed and technique. Focus on perfectly executed reps.
Back Rack Reverse Lunge
E90s 8×2/ea @60%
E90s for 8 rounds, complete 2 Reverse Lunge each leg. Focus on speed.
Comp Phase 2025 Engine EMOM #4
EMOM x6 rounds or until failure to complete
1. 10 Bar Facing Burpees
2. 10/8 Cal Row
3. 50 Double Unders
4. 10/8 Cal Echo
5. Rest
*add 1 rep per round to each movement until failure to complete a movement or 30 minutes
(2 reps per round added to Double Unders)
Score total rounds + reps completed
Goal: 6
Aerobic Capacity
Comp Phase 2025 Partner Aerobic Capacity #4
EMOM x30 min
1. 15/12 cal Bike Erg
2. 15/12 cal Row
3. 15/12 cal Echo
4. 15/12 cal Ski
5. Rest
Score total calories completed (max score 360/288)
Friday: Open Workout 25.1 TBA
Saturday: Odd Object Workout…AKA come help us move the gym!
Well, that’s all we have for this edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! It’s a crazy buys and crazy exciting time at CFS and we are thrilled to take this next step with you all! I am personally excited for this new space and how it is all coming together. I really believe it is the future or CrossFit Simplicity, and it’s going to be a bright one. We are so thankful to you guys and all your support along the way. It’s been a remarkable 8 years here and I know we have some even better ones ahead of us! I hope everyone has had a great weekend and has gotten plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!