CFS Weekly Rundown (11/22-11/27)

Hey guys,

      It’s a chilly Sunday here in beautiful Burlington North Carolina and a great day to curl up and read all about CFS in this edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! We have a lot to be thankful for as we move into this Thanksgiving week here at the gym. I would love to take a moment just to set the intention of gratitude this week inside and outside the gym. It’s hard to have an attitude when you’re living in gratitude! (original thought, DHB 11/21/21 8:14am) we have a lot going on this week and we have a bit of an abbreviated schedule due to the Thanksgiving holiday so be sure to check out the announcements below. This will also be our last week before our new lifting cycle begins on November 29th. Obviously this week’s theme is going to be geared towards Thanksgiving and might just spark your appetite so be sure to get in here consistently and let’s get a jumpstart on balancing out Thursdays calorie intake…

  • Thanksgiving Schedule: Thursday one class at 8am! Friday classes at 8:30am, 12pm, and 5:30pm. We’ll be doing “Thanksgiving with the Girls” workout!
  • Push Pull for Pancreatic Cancer: Thank you to everyone who came out and those who donated to our Push Pull event here at the gym! Also big thanks to Coach Holt for doing such an amazing job organizing and running the event. This is a great calls and we are grateful to have been a part of it!
  • Weightlifting Cycle: Our next lifting cycle will begin Monday the 29th. This will be short and sweet since it will run through the holidays and we know many of you guys will be busy. This will focus on to main lifts: back squat and shoulder press. And will have some Olympic lifting as well.
  • Shirts: I don’t know what to say..I think they are coming? COVID?

Monday: We are kicking the week off with, “Give Thanks.” This will be a short and sweet workout consisting of two big sets of air squats anchoring one smaller set of heavy alternating dumbbell snatches. The stimulus today is definitely high intensity on the squats and purposeful steady pacing on the heavy dumbbell snatches. This is one of the workouts where we want to just shut the mind off and grind through without hesitation. After this we are going to have some good strength accessory work so be sure to get in here and start the week off right.

Tuesday: There’s nothing more iconic than turkey n’ dressing…and that’s the workout today! I hope you guys are hungry for double unders and push-ups because that’s the name of the game. You have five sets, with a one minute rest between each set, of 100 double unders and 30 push-ups. We are looking for moderate intensity today and strategic reps games to avoid burning out. As always with workouts like this we want you guys to aim to hit similar times across each round or get slightly faster. We did something similar to this a few weeks back. This is a lot of double under volume in this workout so be sure you plan how to approach each round. If you are doing singles we will just do 100 every round as well. Make sure you break up your push-ups in fast quick sets where you rest on your knees and take tension off your arms and upper body. This will help prevent fatigue from setting in due to unnecessary time under tension. We will have some upper body pulling work after this to round out the day. Good stuff!

Wednesday: I know we have done a few icebreakers at the gym that included your favorite Thanksgiving dish and “Sweet Potato Casserole” has always been high on the list! Today might not be as tasty…Just a heads up. This is going to be a long piece so come into class ready for a quick warm-up and then we will jump right in. We will have six sets today, one set every seven minutes, of calories on the rower and burpee box jump overs. Three of your sets will consist of these movements. The other three sets will be running and burpee box jump overs. It’s hard to describe this one in words so you’ll have to check it out in Wodify the night before. The calories on the rower and the distance on the run will decrease throughout each set but the number of burpee box jump overs will remain the same. We are looking for moderate intensity across all rounds. Pacing should be steady and consistent. You guys should be getting at least one minute of rest each set so if you are not make sure you decrease all the reps and keep pushing. We shouldn’t be stopping very much during this work out so think about maintaining a solid effort and keep grinding.

Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving! We will have one class today at 8am! We will be hitting the workout we traditionally do called, “Thanksgiving with the Girls.”

Friday: We have an abbreviated schedule today. Classed at 8:30am, 12pm, and 5:30pm. The workout we’ll call “Black Friday” is actually CrossFit Games Open workout 14.4. This is a chipper with a 14 minute time cap. The work out his calories on the rower, toes to bar, wall balls, power cleans, and muscle ups. The number of reps for each movement decreases as you go from movement to movement by 10 reps. Starting at a 60 cal row and ending with 20 muscle ups. We are looking for moderate intensity today with quick, planned rest for consistent pacing and intensity. The majority of the time will be spent on the first two movements. Make sure you fight to keep pace early on and don’t waste time on the toes to bar. Also remember that if you finish the 20 muscle ups and there’s still time left on the clock in the workout starts over at the calorie row. Fun, fun!

Saturday: We have a nice and toasty little partner piece for you guys today. Just how I like my “Dinner Rolls!” You and your partner will each have five sets of a two minute AMRAP. He will alternate back-and-forth, completing full sets on your own, and then switching. You will have a 12 cal bike, 50 feet of front rack dumbbell walking lunges, and then max strict pull ups in the remaining time. Your score will be the number of pull-ups you get each set. This is going to be a fun piece in the workout is going to be moderate to high intensity on the bike and the lunch and then into consistent work effort on the pull ups. Do you want to have at least 30 to 45 seconds of effort on the pull up bar. Work hard, ground through the pull ups, and enjoy the rest! Easy day!

        Well that’s all we got for this Thanksgiving edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown. Once again I just want to say how thankful I am personally for this gym and especially for this amazing community. This gym has been such a staple and a pillar of support in my life over the past five years and I am forever grateful. I hope you guys can take a moment to reflect on what a blessing it is just to have the physical ability to come into the gym and workout every day. Remember that an attitude of thankfulness in any circumstance is the surest way to fight off a negative attitude in that same circumstance. So be grateful, be consistent, and let’s get in here and get some work done to fight off that extra slice of pumpkin pie. We have some awesome workouts this week with some tasty themes and we can’t wait to see you all in class!
