CFS Weekly Rundown (12/9-12/14)

Hey guys,

      Sunday Fun-day is upon us again and it’s time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! We have a great week in store for you all so get ready to get fit. We are still rolling strong in this phase of our NBD programming and I want to remind you all again to pay attention and try to work in the optional accessory work after class. We have got to be focusing on our pulling impressing gymnastics strength because the CrossFit Open will be upon us late February. It’s always a bummer to get to the Open and realize you should have been shoring up these weaknesses throughout the year. The NBD guys have thought of this, have tons of Open experience, and are trying to prep us to do our best so take advantage of it! If you have any questions about this please reach out to me personally and I’ll point you in the right direction. We have some important announcements below so take a look and then we’ll dive in!

  • CFS Christmas Party: Thank you all for coming out to the Christmas Party Saturday morning! We had such an awesome time with you all! Thank you so much to Coach Kelly for organizing and planning some great games and food as well!
  • Christmas Cheer: You guys took a lot of tags yesterday so thank you so much! There are still more at the gym so take a tag from the tree and let’s bless this family in need this Christmas. We need these gifts back (with the tag but unattached) by December 16th! These can be wrapped or unwrapped. Totally up to you! Thanks again so much for helping these kids!



BS – 5-3-1 x2

Clean – Heavy single into 5 min EMOM x2 reps @8 RPE

Metcon – Intervals (Rx)

4 RFT, 1:1 rest

7 Thrusters (95/35)


12 Box Jumpovers (24/20″)


Prep Piece

Complete for time (moderate effort)

15/12 cal Row

100m Run

15/12 cal Row

100m Run

Aerobic Power (Affiliate)

3 on, 5 off x3 rounds

15 Shuttle Runs

max Calorie Row in remaining time



Snatch 7x3TnG E90s

FS 6×8 TnG EMOM @40-50%

Engine EMOM (Rx)

Remaining Time AMRAP – High Score Wins EMOM

x5 rounds

1. 10/8 Cal Echo + AMRAP Air Squats

2. 10 Alt. DB Snatch @50/35 + AMRAP Air Squats

3. 10 TTB + AMRAP Air Squats

4. 10 Box Jump Overs @24/20″ + AMRAP Air Squats


Prep Piece

E3M x2 rounds

12/10 cal Echo

12 Line Facing Burpees

Aerobic Capacity (Rx)

Complete for time

80/64 cal Echo

40 BBJO (24/20″)

80/64 cal Echo


Muscular Endurance

6×1 EMOM DL @70-80%

15 Push Jerk @80% for time

Metcon – Open Style


Alt DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)


-rest 2-


D-DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35s)



Partner Metcon

Complete 4 RFT (You Go I Go style – 2 rounds each)

30 Ab Mat Situps

15 DB Bench (50/35s)

*75 Crossover SU after each round – both partners complete

     Well, that’s all we’ve got for this week’s edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! And that’s enough! We have a big week ahead of us with lots of training to get in so get your mind right to come in here and grind it out. Every day won’t be your best day but it’s not about perfection it’s about persistence in showing up and putting your best foot forward. Consistency is always going to pay dividends. You can’t expect to be 100% every time you walk in the gym, but you can definitely keep walking in and putting in the effort. I hope everyone had a great weekend and got plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!
