CFS Weekly Rundown (2/10-2/15)

Hey guys,

        We have a really exciting week ahead of us here at CrossFit Simplicity, all culminating to our three year anniversary Bring a Friend day celebration at 9am this Saturday, February 15th! That’s right, CFS is three years old this month and we can’t believe what a journey it’s been. Biggest takeaway: time flies when you’re having fun! Besides our anniversary event this Saturday we have an awesome week of programming with lots of variance and good workouts to keep you guys interested and engaged. This week will be a little more mild than previous weeks to give your body a chance to recover a little more and reset for our next cycle. You’ll even notice that Thursday is pretty much exclusively a mobility day and a great chance to work on some of those little nagging aches and pains that can pop up if you’re not taking care of your recovery and mobilizing regularly. Now Let’s have a look at these announcements and then get down to the week!

  • CFS three year anniversary! Simplicity is three and we want to celebrate with you all by having a fun Bring a Friend Day with DJ-LA and all of YOU! Come celebrate our amazing community and bring a friend to experience what CrossFit Simplicity is all about and enjoy a light brunch after the workout!
  • Raven’s Pursuit Twisted 5k: our friends at College Hill CrossFit are hosting a fundraiser for their nonprofit group called Raven’s Pursuit. This group helps underprivileged kids in Greensboro learn about health and fitness! We have a goal of sending five teams from CrossFit Simplicity to have some fun in this Twisted 5K event Feb 29th! We will send out an email this week on how you and your partner can register for this event and help out these kids!

Monday: As I mentioned before, this week will be a little more mild than most as we seek to give our bodies a chance to recoup and recover before we hit things hard on our next training cycle. We will do this by starting off the week with a nice aerobic piece that should feel pretty good on your muscles and joints while still giving you the right amount of conditioning! This is a very simple piece where you will alternate between running and rowing in decreasing time intervals.  The idea here is to move at a steady and moderate pace but you can always feel free to ramp things up and really push it if you want to get your heart and lungs really pumping! After this will have a little bit of accessory work involving some pull-ups and handstand push-ups to round out the day.

Tuesday:  Today will be a very fun and interesting day with a couple things we have never done before. First we will start out with a nice and easy snatch Imam focused solely on good technique and position work. Each minute will include one snatch at 70% of your one rep max and we want to pay attention to this percentage and stay there throughout the 10 minutes. The goal is no missed lifts. After this we have a couple fun little challenges including a max chin above the bar pull-up hold or ring row hold, a max set of double kettlebell cleans, and a max effort farmer carry for distance. Don’t stress these little challenges too much but just have fun and give each one your best shot!

Wednesday: We have a really cool piece for you guys today that I am actually super excited for. We had a lot of fun testing this one and it actually has a new movement that we’ve never seen in class before… A Turkish sit-up. That’s right, not a Turkish get up but it Turkish sit-up. This will be a unilateral movement that we will perform on the right side and then the left side. The beginning of the movement is the same as a typical Turkish get up where you will lay flat on your back with the kettlebell in one hand. From here all you do is engage your core and sit up without the assistance of your other arm if possible. Along with these we will have some front squat and back squat percentage work from the rack and an aerobic movement of your choice in the middle. Treat this as a flow piece today and don’t get hung up on the clock. If you’re the kind of person that chases the clock you might even want to consider not using one at all for this work out. Remember that we are just trying to get in some good movement and reset for the beginning of a new cycle next week.

Thursday: We mentioned this above but today will be a pure mobility and recovery day. We will be doing this in three parts. Part one will be one monostructural aerobic movement of your choice for 10 minutes. For example a 10 minute mild run or row. The second part will be some banded walking/marching movements and the third part will be some upper body mobility and range of motion movements to round out the day. Try not to think of this as a day to skip, but embrace the chance to come in and actually spend some time that’s been set aside and allotted for mobility and recovery!

Friday: Benchmark day! Well…Kind of… Today we will be doing a variation of one of our favorite benchmark workouts, DT! DT is typically five rounds of 12 deadlifts, non-hang power cleans, and six push jerks at 155 pounds for the men and 105 pounds for the ladies. Today we will be doing five rounds of DT but we will only be doing one round every three minutes. It will take you between 45 seconds and a minute and a half to complete your round of DT and then you will spend the remaining time rowing or riding the bike at a very moderate and easy pace to recover. This is a great way to work on your efficiency in barbell cycling while still keeping the intensity moderate for our deload week. Good stuff!

Saturday: CrossFit Simplicity 3 Year Anniversary! This is going to be awesome Bring a Friend Day complete with an amazing workout for you and your friends, DJ-LA, and a light brunch afterwards! We hope you all be able to come out and celebrate this amazing community we’ve built together!

       This is looking like an excellent week here at CFS. When isn’t it a great week to work on your fitness and improve your quality of life though? This week will be a little easier on the body so really embrace this and try to relax into some of these workouts and trust the process. Our bodies are made to work and get torn down and then recover and grow back stronger. But if we don’t give them a chance to recover we just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper and that’s when those little nagging injuries can occur. Let’s take this week to focus on proper movement, technique, and a little bit of mobility and then hit things hard after our three-year anniversary this Saturday! Now let’s get in here and get to work. See you all in class…
