CFS Weekly Rundown (3/18-3/23)

Hey guys,

       Hope everyone had an awesome weekend and is ready for another great week of training! This also marks the last week of the 2019 CrossFit Open. You guys have done such an amazing job so far and we want to keep the drive alive and finish this thing strong! Congratulations to everyone who got their first bar muscle-up this weekend or their first on assisted pull-up… And congratulations to all those who hopped up on the bar and gave it their best shot! We have a great week ahead of us and a lot to look forward to in class!

  • Week 4s Open theme will be: “Spirit of Simplicity” so get out all your gear!
  • Weekly Challenge: Canned Food Drive! (This was a favorite challenge last year so we are bringing it back!) Your team needs to assemble as much canned food as possible by next Sunday! The team with the most canned food wins 15 extra bonus points!

Monday: we have a pretty cool workout lined up for you guys tomorrow! This one will incorporate some movements that may be new for some of us. Specifically the dumbbell manmaker and the barbell bear complex. You’ll be able to pick which one of these movements you would like to use in the workout. This will be a 15 minute Amrap that must be paced to some extent. Especially on the burpees….

Tuesday: Heavy Day! Love these! Tuesday will be a weightlifting day focused on the deadlift. We will be doing a sort of wave rep scheme where we go from 5 to 2 with a heavier single between each set…it’s time to get strong! The deadlift is an amazing movement (arguably one of the best) for building absolute strength so don’t miss this day!

Wednesday: Awesome workout to get us over the hump this week! This one is a solid little push/pull! Some of us will need to scale the bar muscle-up but a few of you just got your first one so this could be a cool chance to test it out. If you don’t have your muscle-up yet don’t sweat! We will sub out to pull-ups and continue to build our pulling strength! ….if you don’t like the muscle-ups you may like the thrusters! That’s right! And they are heavy ones so get ready! The reps are ascending today so rounds will go quickly at the start but be sure to save something in the tank for the end!

Thursday: Pretty cool little EMOM for you today with some running and some barbell cycling! Remember that if you are doing your Open workout on Friday you may want to take things easy today to save yourself. If not then go ahead and hit this thing with abandon! The run will certainly get your heart rate up but there won’t be much time for pacing things out today. Trust your fitness and just try to hang on each minute. Remember to take things one round of the time and don’t let your mind get too far ahead in the workout!

Friday: Again…who knows?! It’s very likely that we will see some thrusters in this final Open workout as that has been the pattern since the beginning of the CrossFit Open… But… It’s also been the pattern to keep us guessing so who can really say. No matter what comes at us you guys are ready! Just make sure you are stocking up those canned goods! 

Saturday: This will be our final Open Saturday and should be our best ever! Come decked out in all your Simplicity gear and colors and let’s have some fun! This has been an amazing year and no matter what happens this weekend we are super proud of all of you guys and all of your effort. We have definitely grown a lot as a community and learned a lot about ourselves as athletes! That’s the main point! Good stuff!

    Can’t wait to kick off another week with you all! It’s hard to express how much we enjoy coaching and building relationships with everyone here in the gym. It looks like this week is going to be another great chance to work on those weaknesses and continue to sharpen our skills… And more than anything… Just to get fit and live a more enjoyable life! Let’s get it!
