Hey guys,
We had another great week at CrossFit Simplicity and this one is looking just as good! Super proud of how everyone is doing in the Open and also really proud of all of you guys who aren’t signed up for the Open but are still hitting these hard on Friday! We have a great week of programming ahead all leading up to week three and the 19.3 Open announcement this Thursday evening. You guys will really notice a lot of variance in this week’s classes and it’s sure to be fine. There’s a little something for everyone. Check out the announcements below and then your rundown:
- Open week 3 theme is: “NCAA” (so basically your favorite college team!) This should be an easy one so have fun with it!
- Week 3 Challenge is: Submit A picture of at least three or more of your Open teammates getting together outside the gym. This can be going somewhere for a cup of coffee, catching some dinner, a yoga class together, etc. Simply get together and hang out with three or more of your team members, snap a pic, and email it to daniel@crossfitsimplicity.com(each individual team member in your photo will count for a point for your team…here’s the kicker…if you attend multiple team outings and appear in multiple team photos you will receive a point for each of those. This means you can actually receive multiple points for this challenge) Have fun!
- Black and white CFS Tees are still on sale at the gym. We have each color in sizes XS-XXL
- Average Broz gymnasium white lightning some tape is also on sale at the gym for $6 per roll. You’ll see it beside the RX Bars. If you use the hook grip this tape is your best friend!
Monday: We are starting off the week with a weightlifting and a gymnastic day! Monday will not be very cardio heavy. We will have some heavy push presses followed with some really cool max effort percentage work on those. After this we will focus on some max effort gymnastic work which will either be ring muscle-ups or pull-ups depending on where you are at. Be assured that both of these movements will be coming up in the Open very soon so let’s try to get in some good work to start the week!
Tuesday: It’s time to build an engine today! Today’s workout will be very aerobic but will also mix in a little bit of barbell work. This is a 40 minute piece so settle in and pace yourself. We have a really interesting layout for this workout. It’s basically a four movement chipper. If you finish the chipper in under 40 minutes you will use the remaining time to get in a max distance run. The chipper will have running, rowing, light front squats, and burpees. Again, this is excellent Open prep or just great general physical preparedness! Good stuff!
Wednesday: Great workout planned today! This one just reminds you of a potential Open workout. It’s a 10 minute AMRAP with a little bit of everything… double unders, power snatches, handstand push-ups, push jerks, chest to bar pull-ups…you name it! The double unders do come with an interesting penalty today that you’ll have to come to class to find out about! This is one you want to pace but still stay moving fairly quickly through. This is also one that will need to be scaled for most of us so that we can get the right stimulus. The idea today is to get through the workout one time fully within the 10 minutes and get back into the second round. Have fun with this one!
Thursday: like last Thursday, this Thursday will be a bit of an easier day and also an optional day depending on what your situation is for the Open on Friday. We will start out with an alternating EMOM including some heavy kettlebell swings. After this we have a cool “death by” work out with calories on the rower. Even if you are doing your Open workout on Friday, these two workouts shouldn’t be ones that mess you up too bad. Remember that the next Open workout announcement will be on this day at 8 PM. You can tune in live on Facebook.
Friday: Who knows?! We’ll have to wait and see what the announcement has for us Thursday evening! Either way rest assured that you guys have been putting in the work, trusting the process, and are more than ready for the challenge!
Saturday: We will be hitting Open workout 19.3 today as a community! Remember to try to make this day and dress up in your NCAA gear to earn your team two extra points… One for showing up on Saturday and one for dressing up! The gym will be open at least by 8:30 AM so that you all can get in a little early, move around some, and sign up for heats!
Overall we have another excellent week in store for you guys! I think the programming has not only been really fun, but also challenging and well thought out lately! We hope that you guys are also enjoying your time and getting the most out of your workouts. Remember two really important factors for seeing results in the gym: consistency and intensity… Make sure that you are staying consistent and getting in the gym 3 to 5 times a week and when you are coming in make sure that you are giving it your all and really putting out a solid effort each and every day. Remember that it’s our job as coaches to help you work on form and technique and find scales and substitutions that are suitable for you so that you can safely push yourself to these limits. It’s always important to take your time and be willing to work on your form and master a movement before you try to hit that movement really hard and fast. Keep putting in the work and the results will come! Can’t wait to see you all in class!