Hey guys,
It’s the start of a new week and a new month! No better time to reset and get to work on those goals. This means we are also a month away from our Simplicity Summer Series! This competition is shaping up to be pretty great and we’ll be releasing a workout a week so you’ll have time to get up with your partner and do a little strategizing. This competition is also a great way to get some extra motivation for your training this month so be on the lookout for the sign up! Now check the announcements below and then see what we have planned for this week!
- Tanks and shirts will be in this week by July 4th
- We will have limited hours this Thursday, July 4th, for the holiday. There will be one class at 8:30am.
- Friday, July 5th, we will have a 5:30am, 8:30am, 5:30pm.
- Our next Bring A Friend Day will be Sat, July 20th, at 9am!
Monday: A definite trend is forming at CrossFit Simplicity on Mondays…Can you guess what it is? Unfortunately it’s burpees. But take heart, because today’s is an excellent workout and one that will definitely test you mentally and physically. This one couples DB (or KB) clean and jerks and burpee pull-ups. The key here will be to settle into things early and pace this one out! The DB clean is not one that we see very often so this will actually be a great “odd object” day for some of us! Good stuff!
Tuesday: Weightlifting day! This is going to be a great day for your upper body strength! We are starting the day with some push presses and then ending with a great accessory piece. The push press will take us from 5s to 1s so this is a great day to test that one rep max. After this we’ll be doing a toes-to-bar piece with a twist. Every time you break you’ll have a 100ft double KB front rack carry! Warm up those shoulders!
Wednesday: We have an awesome workout for you guys today! This is one most of us will enjoy but certainly not an easy one. This will follow the traditional 21-15-9 rep scheme with back squats and push-ups. The tough part here will be that’s the push-ups are tripled (63-45-27). You’ll have to pace these push-ups so that you don’t burn out too early. This one is definitely fun and a great workout all around so don’t miss today!
Thursday: July 4th! Happy Birthday American! We will have an abbreviated class schedule for you guys today and a fun 4th of July themed workout! There will only be one class today at 8:30am.
Friday: Such a great workout today! (We will also have abbreviated hours today: there will be a 5:30am class, 8:30am class, and 5:30pm class). This is a workout that has a little something for everyone. Rope climbs, deadlifts, and box jumps. This is actually a workout that we plan to retest in the future so be sure to bring your A-game today and really try to get a baseline score in the system!
Saturday: We are still up in the air as to what we’ll do Saturday, but if it’s anything like last Saturday you know it will be good! We’ll have a great partner workout planned so be there!
This is shaping up to be an amazing week at the gym and one with a lot of interesting variety! Be sure to check out the announcements and stay up on what’s going on at the gym. Hopefully by the end of this week we will have registration live for our Simplicity Summer Series so take the next couple of days to round up a partner and get ready for some fun. You guys have really been crushing it lately so keep it up and let’s have another great week! See you all in class…