CFS Weekly Rundown (7/1-7/6)

Hey guys,

        It’s a hot Sunday here in Burlington, North Carolina. It’s time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! It certainly feels like summer around here and it’s no surprise we are about to roll into the month of July! We have a bit of a holiday week here, but that will not change much for you guys at the gym. We will still have our normal schedule apart from Thursday, July 4, where we will have one partner hero workout at 9 AM. We are also taking this holiday week as a chance for a deload. Everyone could use a deload at this point and we wanted to accommodate for all the people who might be traveling. We are going to drop the strength volume for the week, add in more partner pieces to keep it fun, hit a Hero WOD on July 4, and basically drop the intensity overall. It should be a great week so let’s dive in!

  • July 4th: We will have one class at 9am on Thursday. This will be the Hero WOD “Lou” so grab a partner and get in here! We are so grateful for this amazing nation and all the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy each and every day. Sometimes, with all its problems, it’s easy to lose sight of just how good we have it in America and how blessed we are to live here. Let’s take today to remember and celebrate it!


Bench + Strict Press 5×1 EMOM @60%

Complete for quality – moderate effort on all machines. Choose moderate weights for all movements.

2 rounds

500/400m Row

15 DB Bench

15 Band Pull Aparts

15 V-Ups

2 rounds

500/400m Ski

15 Ring Rows

15 DB Push Press

100′ SA KB Farmers Carry (50′ each arm)

2 rounds

20/16 cal Echo

15 Ring Dips

15 DB Curls

15 GHD Sit-ups

Time cap: 40 minutes

Aerobic Prep – EMOM x 12 min (3 rounds)

1.) 15/12 cal Row

2.) 8 Burpees over Rower

3.) 40 Double Unders

4.) Rest

Aerobic Power – Partner Style

2 min AMRAP

Partner 1 – Row Calories

Partner 2 – Lateral Burpee Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

-Rest 5-

2 min AMRAP

Partner 1- Lateral Burpee Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

Partner 2 – Row Calories

-Rest 5-

2 min AMRAP

Partner 1- Double Unders

Partner 2- Shuttle Runs

-Rest 5-

2 min AMRAP

Partner 1- Shuttle Runs

Partner 2- Double Unders

Back Squat, Front Squat, + DL 5×1 EMOM @60%

Complete for quality – choose moderate weight for all movements.

EMOM x 28 min

1.) moderate effort machine – bike of choice

2.) DB Walking Lunge x50′

3.) KB Swing x10

4.) moderate effort machine – bike of choice

5.) SB Bear Hug Carry x100′

6+7.) Band Abduction x10/side + Band Adduction x10/side


Hero WOD

The Lou

With a partner, complete 44 RFT (You Go I Go style)

4 Wall Balls (20/14)

4 Pull-ups

4 Burpees

4 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)


Snatch + Clean and Jerk 5×1 EMOM @60%

Complete with a partner

250/200 cal Row

250/200 cal Echo

Partition as desired. Only one partner works at a time

*Every time you switch partners = 10 Synchro Burpees


30 minute AMRAP

400m Run (completed together)

10 Box Getovers (48/40″)

8 Power Cleans (155/105)

6 Bar Muscle Ups

     Well, that’s all we have for today’s CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! I hope everyone it’s going to have a great Fourth of July holiday wherever you are. If you’re traveling, be safe, if you’re not be sure to get into the gym! We have an awesome week of programming lined up for you guys with lots of great conditioning and a little bit of a chill week with our lifting to allow your bodies time to recover before we ramp the cycle back up. Remember to get in here as consistently as possible and we will see those results we have been seeing all year. Half of the year down, half of the year to go! Now enjoy what’s left of your weekend and get plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!
