CFS Weekly Rundown (7/29-8/3)

Hey guys,

      It’s another gorgeous Sunday here in Burlington, North Carolina and it’s time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! Of course we have an excellent week ahead for you guys as we continue to work through our current cycle of Basecamp 2.0 programming. The NBD guys have been giving us some amazing work lately and we hope you all are getting into class as consistently as possible to capitalize on this and get some great results. We have a lot of well thought out variation this week and we hope you all enjoy it! Let’s dive in…



Deadlift APRE 4

Back Squat @90%+

Strict Press 7×3 EMOM





Weakness Work

DU – 250% of max set for time. Sets/reps open. 10 min time cap


PU – 5 min AMAP sets of 5 UB

UB/LB/Core Accessory

3×10 all

A1.) DBL KB Strict Press

A2.) Landmine SL RDL

A3.) GHD Hold at Parallel

B1.) Landmine Row

B2.) Barbell RFESS

B3.) SA KB Farmers Walk x 50′ / side

C1.) DB Floor Press

C2.) Ring Pullup

C3.) EZ Bar Skullcrushers

C4.) Barbell Curl


Aerobic Prep

E3M x 5 rounds (moderate effort)

50 DU

5 Box Getovers (48/40″)

Aerobic Power

For time

60 Burpee Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

Score time to complete

Goal: sub 6 min

Cap: 9 min

Machine Progression

6 rounds

2 on, 2 off. Score avg pace per round

Run Program

9 min @ RPE 3, :30 rest

6 min @ RPE 3, :30 rest

3 min @ RPE 4, :30 rest

2 min @ RPE 5, :30 rest

3 min @ RPE 4, :30 rest

4 min @ RPE 3, :30 rest

8 min @ RPE 3



Snatch Grip Sotts Press 4×2

4×1 Snatch + SB + Floating Snatch + SB+ Hang Snatch + OHS


HSPU 7×7

GHD 7×7

TTB 7×7


5 round EMOM

1.) 8 GHD + 4 HSPU

4.) 6 Burpees to Target + 3 HSPU

3.) 4 DB Box Stepovers (50/35) + 2 HSPU

4.) 200/150m Row

Score for completion

Grunt/Grip Accessory

10 min AMRAP

50′ Sled Push / Pull

10 SB over Shoulder

100m Jerry Clean carry

20 step Zercher march in place


Aerobic Prep

12 min EMOM

1.) 12/10 cal Bike Erg

2.) 4 Burpee Shuttle Runs

3.) 8 Box Jumps (24/20″)

4.) Rest

Aerobic Capacity

Fraser Row Challenge

1:40 on x:20 off

x10 rounds w/ round 6 off

Score average pace across all 10 rounds

Goal: consistent splits @RPE 9

Machine Progression

4 rounds

4 on, 3 off. Score avg pace per round

Run Program

4 x 600m @ RPE 5, 1 min rest after each

-Rest 2 additional min after set 4-

4 x 300m @ RPE 7, 1 min rest after each

-Rest 2 additional min after set 4-

4 x 500m @ RPE 6, 1 min rest after each

-Rest 2 additional min after set 4-

4 x 200m @ RPE 8, 1 min rest after each




Front Squat 6×2 @90%+

Bench Press 7×3 EMOM


DB Z-Press 3×4-6

LLRC 4×1

Weakness Work

DU – 2 x max unbroken. Full recovery between sets

Wall Facing SHSPU EMOM 7×1-5

Butterfly PU 5 min EMOM 7-15 reps



Clean Grip Sotts Press 6×1

Tall Jerk 6×1

Clean and Jerk 6×1


5 on, 5 off x3 rounds


15 Wall Balls (20/14)

10 CTB

5 Wall Walks

*Restart AMRAP from beginning each round

Score rounds + reps completed each round

Goal: 2+ each round

      Well, that’s all we’ve got for this week’s edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown. Summer is quickly drawing to an end, kids are going back to school, and hopefully schedules are going to get a little more settled. So continue to push as good as you can through the summer and let’s settle into a good routine this fall and really get our fitness going. Remember that consistency is always key so try to get in here as much as possible. Right behind that is a positive attitude and willingness to work, grow, and learn! Get your mind right! Now enjoy what’s left of your weekend and get plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!
