CFS Weekly Rundown (7/8-7/13)

Hey guys,

      Rain, rain, go away…jk! So grateful for this rainy Sunday here in Burlington, North Carolina and grateful for this week’s edition of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! Every week that we have here at CFS to workout together is a blessing and we can’t wait to share another one with you guys. We had a great deload/holiday week last week which gave our bodies a chance to recoup and recover a bit. This means we are back on our Basecamp 2.0 cycle and right into our normal training volume. Things are going to be getting a litter heavier for our lifting and we’ll still have some great conditioning and accessory work. So let’s dive into this week and see what’s in store!

  • AMRAP for Autism: If you signed up for the AMRAP for Autism your shirt is at the gym! See a coach to pick it up!



Deadlift APRE 6

Back Squat 5×3 @85%+

Strict Press 6×3 EMOM



WB 50 FT

Weakness Work

DU – 190% of max set for time. Sets/reps open. 6 min time cap

Barbell Z Press 3×3-5

PU – 7 min EMOM 5 – 10 reps

UB/LB/Core Accessory

2×8 all

A1.) DBL KB Strict Press

A2.) Landmine SL RDL

A3.) GHD Hold at Parallel

B1.) Landmine Row

B2.) Barbell RFESS

B3.) SA KB Farmers Walk x 50′ / side

C1.) DB Floor Press

C2.) Ring Pullup

C3.) EZ Bar Skullcrushers

C4.) Barbell Curl


Aerobic Prep

E4M x 3 rounds (moderate effort)

15/12 cal Bike Erg

10 Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

Aerobic Power

1 min on, 1 min off x 8 rounds

Max distance row

Score total distance per round (no rollover)

Goal (male): 250+ meters

Goal (female): 200+ meters

Machine Progression

6 rounds

4 on, 2 off. Score avg pace per round

Run Program

15 min @ RPE 3

– 2 min rest –

5 sets

1 min @ RPE 5

3 min @ RPE 3

Rest 1 min after each set

5 sets

:20 @ RPE 9, :40 walk



Snatch Grip Sotts Press 5×1

Snatch 5×1


DU 7×15


BMU 7×2


3 rounds

1.) 6 OHS (95/65)

2.) 6 SHSPU

-Rest 3 min-

3 rounds

1.) 12 Box Jumpover (24/20″)

2.) 12 Alt. Back Rack Reverse Lunges (95/65)

-Rest 3 min-

3 rounds

1.) 18/13 cal Row

2.) 18 Deadlifts (95/65)

Score for completion

Grunt/Grip Accessory

2 rounds, rest 3 min between

A1.) Barbell Front Rack Hold x 1 min

A2.) SB Lunges x 50′

A3.) Sled Drag x 50′

A4.) Axel Bar Spider Flips x 20


Aerobic Prep

12 min EMOM

1.) 15/12 cal Row

2.) 8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)

3.) 50 DU

4.) Rest

Aerobic Capacity

400/320 calories

Echo / Row

Partition as desired

Score time to complete

Goal: sub 32 min

Cap: 40 min

Machine Progression

4 rounds

6 on, 3 off. Score avg pace per round

Run Program

2 rounds

3 min @ RPE 3, :30 @ RPE 7

3 min @ RPE 3, :30 @ RPE 7

3 min @ RPE 3, :30 @ RPE 7

-Rest 1 min-

3 min @ RPE 7

-Rest 3 min between rounds-




Front Squat 5×3 @85%+

Bench Press 6×3 EMOM


WW 5×1 with :08 hold each rep

Strict TTB 4×2-10

GHD w/ 3ct. pause at parallel 4×5-10

Weakness Work

DU – 2 x max unbroken. Full recovery between sets

SHSPU E30s x10 1-5

Butterfly PU 5 min AMAP sets of 5 UB



Clean Grip Sotts Press- 3×2

Tall Jerk- 3×2

3×1 Clean & Jerk + Floating C&J + HC & Jerk


Complete with a partner. Partition reps as desired

10 Rope Climbs

50 Burpees Pull-ups

100 Wall Balls (20/14)

150 HR Push-ups

100 Wall Balls (20/14)

50 Burpee Pull-ups

10 Rope Climbs

Only one partner working at a time.

Score time to complete

Goal: sub 30 min

Cap: 45 min

     Well, that’s all she wrote this rainy Sunday! We hope you’ve enjoyed this installment of the CrossFit Simplicity Weeky Rundown. We have a great week ahead of us here at CFS and lots of fun workouts. You all have been doing really well with our programming and we have been seeing tons of results. Keep up the good work and stay as consistent as possible with your attendance and your attitude. Not every day will be perfect, but it every day is an opportunity to get better and to take a step in the right direction! Now enjoy what’s left of your weekend and get plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard this week. See you all in class!
