CFS Weekly Rundown (8/5-8/10)

Hey guys,

       It’s they perfect time of the week. Time for the Sunday drop of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! This is a great edition because we have wrapped up phase one of our Basecamp 2.0 programming from NBD and are going into Phase 2 of this program. Strength programming will stay similar with some small tweaks – a dynamic sub max day (light weight EMOMs), a high intensity day (cluster sets), and a high volume day (20RM, 15RM, 12RM, 10RM). Be sure to make it in here as much as possible and pay attention to your coaches at the board so you’ll know what’s up and get into the grove of things. Now time for an important announcement below, then the details of the week that you all came here for!

  • Weakness Work: There isn’t going to be anymore weakness work programmed in. No one ever hit it or knew it was there. We’ll write something on the board that we can send progressions out to individuals as desired for specific movements – we have extra work for all gymnastics, machines, running, and strength. If anyone needs anything we can give it to you directly. Let us know if this is something you’d like and we’ll hook you up!



Back Squat – 1×20

Strict Press – 3×5-C

DL 5×2 Dyn


1xmax HSPU

1xmax WB (20/14)

1xmax PU


Dips 2×8

SL DB RDL 2×8/side

Hollow Hold 2xALAP


Aerobic Prep


E4M x 3 rounds

4 Shuttle Runs

8/6 cal Echo

12 Line Facing Burpees

Aerobic Power

Every 2:00 x 5 rounds

30 second max effort Echo sprint

Score cals per round

Goal: 15/12 cal per round



E2M x3 rounds:

Max intent Box Jump (24/20”) x1

Muscle Snatch + Pressing SB + Sotts Press x3 (full complex = 1 rep)

Snatch clusters 3×3 (e20s)

Engine EMOM

Continue until failure

1.) 15/12 cal Row

2.) 10 Thrusters (95/115)

3.) 5 BMU

Score total rounds + reps completed

Goal: 4+ rounds

Aerobic Prep


10 min AMRAP (moderate effort)

12/10 cal Row

400m Run

Aerobic Capacity

EMOM x12 minutes

1.) 12/10 cal row

2.) 12 burpees

-directly into-

1.) 13/10 cal row

2.) 13 burpees

Every 2 minutes add 1 row cal & 1 burpee rep

continue until failure to complete

Score total reps completed

Goal: 228/207

Scoring guide: first 12 minute EMOM completed Rx is 144/132 reps

Goal score is full Rx of Part 1 + finishing round of 15 burpees



Front Squat – 1×20

Bench Press – 3×5-C

RDL 5×2 Dyn


KB Z- Press 3×4

Strict TTB 4×5-15

LLRC 2×2


Strict Pullup 2×8

DB RFESS 2×8/side

DB Side Bend 2×8/side



A1.) Clean Pull + Floating Clean Pull 3×5 (1+4)

A2.) Jerk Dip 3×3

B1.) High Hang Clean 3×2

B2.) BTN Split Jerk 3×2


With a partner, complete for time:

20 Rope Climbs

split as desired

Then, 12 Rounds (You Go I Go Style – 6 rounds each)

4 D-DB Hang Power Clean (50/35s)

8 D-DB Thrusters (50/35s)

12 D-DB Deadlifts (50/35s)

Goal: sub 22 min

Cap: 28 min

Every rep remaining after cap = 1 second

     Well, that’s all we’ve got for you guys today! It’s a beautiful Sunday here in Burlington, North Carolina and we hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. This next phase of our program is going to be awesome so we hope you guys will get in here and really attack it with some intensity and a positive attitude. Show up, ready to work and see some results and we will make it happen! Now enjoy what’s left of your weekend and get plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery so we can hit it hard. See you all in class!
