CFS Weekly Rundown (9/1-9/7)

Hey guys,

      It’s a beautiful Sunday here in Burlington, North Carolina and it’s time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! Of course we have an awesome week for you guys as we continue the current phase of our NBD Program… but I want to shift gears a little bit on the rundown today. Don’t worry, all of this week’s workouts will be posted below. I want to take a minute to acknowledge someone very special to me, and I believe after reading this, very special to you as well…

      A man named Tommy Mcguire passed away last Saturday morning. For most of you this name will not ring a bell. But if you’re member at CrossFit Simplicity, have a friendship at/from CrossFit Simplicity, or in anyway have been touched by the presence of this community in your life, then Tommy Mcguire is a special person to you as well. In 2016 I had just sold the first gym I ever owned. I won’t give the full backstory, but it wasn’t under the best of circumstances. Owning and running a CrossFit gym was a dream and passion of mine and I had just left something I loved, with no real hope or ability to start again. I was “back on the street” so to speak. Tommy asked to speak with me and went on to loan me the money to start CrossFit Simplicity in February of 2017. He took a chance on me, believed in the vision for CrossFit Simplicity, and generously put himself out there for someone else. If not for Tommy McGuire, there would be no CrossFit Simplicity. And that’s the truth! As I have reflected on his life over the past week, I have realized that we are just one small part of Tommy’s Legacy. There are countless other people and organizations that Tommy has loaned to, donated to, and poured into over the years. Hundreds and thousands of lives touched and impacted. I think about some of my best friendships and how they are result of CrossFit Simplicity. I think about the names and faces of you all, the friendships that I have seen develop in the gym, and how they would not exist if it were not for CrossFit Simplicity. I think of one of our previous coaches who just got married this week; And actually got engaged inside of CrossFit Simplicity. All of this is a result of Tommy’s generosity and character. He was really a great man. I just wanted to take a moment to ask you all to reflect on the impact CrossFit Simplicity has had in your life, and to imagine, what it would be like had this place never have been birthed almost 8 years ago. And maybe, if you feel inclined, say a little word of thinks to a great man, Tommy Mcguire. I will miss him for sure!

Thanks Tommy…



Back Squat -4×4-C

Strict Press – 6×2 Dyn

DL 2×15- 10% peel


HSPU – 25 FT

PU – 25 FT

WB – 50 FT


Push-Up 2×8

SA SL Landmine RDL 2×8/side

High Plank 2x:30


Aerobic Prep

Chipper (moderate effort)

100 Double Unders

20/16 cal Echo

100 Double Unders

20/16 cal Echo

Time cap: 9 min

Aerobic Power

Complete for time

20/16 cal Echo

20 Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

15/12 cal Echo

15 Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

10/8 cal Echo

10 Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

Score time to complete

Goal: sub 5:30

Cap: 8 min

Every rep remaining after cap = 1 second



E2M x5 rounds:

Max intent Box Jump (24/20”) x1

Muscle Snatch + Pressing SB + Sotts Press x1 (full complex = 1 rep)

Snatch clusters 5×3 (e20s)

Engine EMOM

EMOM x 4 rounds

1.) 20 DU + 4 BMU

2.) 20 DU + 8 SHSPU

3.) 20 DU + 12 GHD

4.) 1 Front Squat + Push Jerk @70%+ Push Jerk

Score: heaviest weight lifted

*If any FS/PJ reps missed during entire EMOM, final score is 0


Aerobic Prep


E2M x 5 rounds

10/8 cal Row

10 Box Jumpovers (24/20″)

Aerobic Capacity

Complete 5 RFT

30/24 cal Row

15 Burpees over Rower

Goal: sub 15 min

Cap: 20 min

Every rep remaining after cap = 1 second



Front Squat -4×4-C

Bench Press – 6×2 Dyn

RDL 2×15- 10% peel


KB Z- Press 3×5

Strict TTB 4×5-15


Chin-Up 2×8

DB Split Squat 2×8/side

GHD Side Bend 2×8/side



A1.) Clean Pull + Floating Clean Pull 5×3 (1+2)

A2.) Jerk Dip 5×2

B1.) High Hang Clean 5×1

B2.) BTN Split Jerk 5×1


With a partner, complete AMRAP in 4 rounds (16 min total)

EMOM Style

1.) Rope Climbs

2.) Squat Cleans (95/65)

3.) Ab Mat Situps

4.) Overhead Squats (95/65)

Each partner working on separate movement at a time. Score is total combined reps of the team

Goal: 260+ Reps

      Well, that’s all I’ve got for you guys today. I’m sorry it wasn’t filled with more words of encouragement and motivation. But I hope you were able to take a moment to acknowledge someone you may have never met, but who may have had a greater impact on your life than you imagined. I hope everyone is having a great weekend, and is ready to get in here and hit it hard in the gym. We have a lot to be thankful for and a lot of work to still put in on our fitness journey. Now get plenty of rest, relaxation, and recovery, so we can do some good work this week. See you all in class!
