CFS Weekly Rundown (6/5-6/10)

Hey guys,

It’s Sunday and time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! We have an exciting week ahead of us at CFS and there has been a lot of buzz about about our new programming. We will be starting NBD Affiliate programming on Monday! Below is a breakdown of what to expect throughout the week. My biggest piece of advice is to pay attention to the coaches at the start of each session. Appropriately following each workout’s stimulus, maintaining good form and positioning in the lifts, and moving with purpose in each movement is critically important to being successful in this program. Show up, pay attention, and put in the work and you will see immense results. Don’t stress about a change. As far as you all are concerned as far as classes and your responsibilities nothing has changed. You will be familiar with all the movements you’re going to see so just have fun with it!

  • AMRAP for Autism: We are moving our event at the recommendation of the A4A folks. We want to give you all more time to prepare, make teams (it’s a partner workout!) and to spread the word. This event will now be at the end of July (either the 22nd or 29th).
Performance Prep Coach led; hips and shoulders focus
Strength (Snatch) 4 sets of a snatch complex. Over the next three weeks, all of our lifts (except deadlifts) will focus on pausing somewhere in the lift. Our intention is to start the cycle by emphasizing stability and developing strength in key positions that may be overlooked and hit improperly when moving at full speed. For the snatch, we’re going to pause below the knee and in the catch position for each rep to ensure we’re improving both our pulling and catching positions.
Gymnastics (Pull-ups) Strength emphasis = strict pull-ups for 3 sets of 6 reps. The intent is to make each set feel like it’s near max, so if bodyweight strict pull-ups for sets of 6 feel easy, add weight. If they are too challenging, add bands to assist you. Each set should feel like you had 1 or 2 reps left in the tank.
Conditioning (Intervals) Four sets of timed Echo bike intervals (4 minutes on, 1 minute off x4). The goal is to push to an uncomfortable, but not maximal, pace. You should be pushing hard enough that you can’t speak during your working sets but not so hard that you’re collapsing on the ground during your 1 minute of recovery.
Optional Accessories Machine Zone 3 progression – see coach for details.
Performance Prep Coach led; full body focus
Strength (Front Squats) 3 sets of 5 front squat. Our pause for this exercise will be a 5 count in the bottom of the rep.
Conditioning (EMOM) Engine EMOM #1: For Reps. We have a 25 minute EMOM today with 5 different movements (switching movements each minute means you will hit each one 5 times). There is no prescribed rep count for this EMOM because your score will be your lowest amount of reps per movement total. The intent of scoring an EMOM this way is to challenge you to pick a pace that is sustainable for the duration of the workout but pushes you to work hard and earn a competitive score.
Accessories (GHD) GHD Sit-ups 10×20% of max set. You will have 10 minutes to complete this. The intent is to improve your ability to accumulate short, quick sets of the movement.
Optional Accessories (Calf Complex) Seated Barbell Heel Raise and Wall Anterior Tib Raises – see coach for details.
Performance Prep Coach led; lower body focus
Aerobic Power Four rounds of 5 minutes each. At the start of each round, perform one sprint on a machine until you reach the prescribed calories. Rest for remaining time and rotate machine each round. Your score will be your total working time of all four rounds.
1.) Row – 20 calories
2.) Echo Bike – 20 calories
3.) Ski – 20 calories
4.) Bike Erg – 20 calories.
Aerobic Capacity (3) 8 min AMRAPs.
AMRAP 1: A.) 1k row B.) Max burpees in remaining time
AMRAP 2: A.) 400 m run B.) Max cal row in remaining time
AMRAP 3: A.) 40 burpees B.) Max cal echo in remaining time
*Score is burpees in round 1, row calories in round 2, echo calories in round 3
Optional Accessories Machine Zone 2 progression – see coach for details.
Performance Prep Coach led; full body focus
Strength (Upper Body) 2 supersets today.
Superset 1: Strict OHP + Wall Ball Push Press. 5 ct. pause in the top of each OHP rep, immediately followed by 15 wall ball push presses.
Superset 2: Pause DB Bench + Pushups. 5 ct. pause in the bottom of each DB bench rep + 15 push-ups.
Gymnastics (Strict Handstand Pushups) Accumulation emphasis = 10 x 20% of max SHSPU set.
Conditioning (Metcon) A 30-20-10-20-30 chipper.
30 DB Deadlifts
20 Lateral burpees over DB
10 Devils Press
Then back up the ladder. Empty the tank here. We set a 10 minute goal but going under this is very realistic.
Optional Accessories (Grunt and Grip Work) SB Bear Hug Carry + DB Farmers Hold – see coach for details
Performance Prep Coach led; full body focus
Strength (Clean and Jerk) 4 sets of clean and jerk complex. For both the clean and the jerk, we’re going to pause below the knee and in the catch position for each rep to ensure we’re improving both our pulling and catching positions in the clean and our dip and catch positions in the jerk. Directly after each set of the C+J complex, you will complete 2 box jumps (24/20″). The intent of the box jump is to jump as high as possible and land softly.
Gymnastics (Double Unders) Max emphasis – 2 sets of max unbroken doubles. Rest 3 minutes between sets.
18 min AMRAP of
10 cal echo
10 clean and jerks / snatchs @95 (alternate movement each round)
10 bar facing burpees
10 box jumpovers
Optional Accessories (Single-leg and Posterior Chain Skater Squat + GHR – see coach for details
Performance Prep Coach led; full body focus
Strength (Deadlifts) We are starting an 11 week deadlift cycle. Today, we have 5 minutes to work up to a set of 2 @80%. After that, we have 8 sets of 3 @70% – one set will be completed every 90 seconds.
Conditioning (Metcon) 15 min AMRAP of 5 heavy wall balls (30/20), 3 high box jumps (30/24″) and 1 thruster (135/95).
Optional Accessories (Bodybuilding) 3 different bodybuilding circuits (triceps, biceps, shoulders + core)
Optional Conditioning 60 minutes of Zone 2 work – see coach for details