Angie: Scale for success!

Hey guys, Super excited about another benchmark workout today: Angie! This is a great workout and one of the original CrossFit “chippers” (A chipper is a workout that combines a lot of different movements at high volume/reps. You complete all reps assigned for each exercise before moving on to the next.)  It’s this design that

CFS Weekly Rundown (9/17-9/22)

Hey guys,      This week is looking Solid! We survived Flo and didn’t even really skip a beat around the gym which is great! We have some really good workouts program this week so try to get in here as much as you can. Also, remember to get yourself signed up for our in-house

CFS Weekly Rundown (9/10-9-15)

Lots of exciting things going on here at CrossFit Simplicity this week! Have a quick peek below to catch up on some important announcements and to see what our programming will be like this week! This Saturday, Sept 15th, is our “Back to School: Sweat in Style” event with Lululemon and Feel Better Burlington Yoga!

Weekly Rundown (9/3-9/8)

Weekly Rundown (9/3-9/8) Hey guys,        Great job last month! August was really solid and I felt like everyone put in a lot of good work. Let’s try to keep the drive alive as we roll into September and stay focused on your goals. One easy way to do this will be getting

April’s Fitness Journey

“My fitness journey with CrossFit Simplicity has been nothing short of amazing!”                   My fitness journey with CrossFit Simplicity has been nothing short of amazing! I’ve played a variety of sports in school and have done plenty of different workout regimes, but nothing has ever stuck. After

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/27-9/1)

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/27-9/1) Hey Guys,         Another great week waiting for you all here at Simplicity! We’ve had some excellent workouts lately and some excellent effort on behalf of you all. Thanks to everyone who came out to practice yoga with us at feel better Burlington yoga this afternoon (Sunday). We

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/20-8/25)

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/20-8/25) Hey guys,        Great job last week on the retests! We saw some really solid improvement from last time and some impressive PRs! This week is looking good so stay consistent in here and keep making progress. Announcements: Sun, Aug 26th, 2pm at Feel Better Burlington Yoga (Burlington location)

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/13-8/18)

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/13-8/18) Hey Guys,       This is a very exciting week for you all here at CFS! We are wrapping up a short cycle and we’ll be retesting workouts this week. Be sure to get in here as many days as possible and especially on these retest days. We also have

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/6-8/11)

CFS Weekly Rundown (8/6-8/11) Hey guys,        Great job last week! We are wrapping up our month of 15 Hero workouts and our last two will be Monday and Tuesday this week. You all have really done an amazing job on these and we can’t wait to retest them in the future! We

CFS Weekly Rundown (7/30-8/4)

CFS Weekly Rundown (7/30-8/4) Hey Guys,       Time for the Weekly Rundown and a glimpse into our programming for the coming week! As always you all are really making big strides in the gym. Even still, remember that long-term consistency is the real key to overall success and sustained health. So even if