CFS Weekly Rundown (6/6-6/11)
Hey guys, It is a beautiful and mild Sunday here in Burlington North Carolina and a perfect time to crack into another episode of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! We have a very exciting week ahead for you guys as we jump into another eight weeks strength cycle! Is it going to
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CFS Weekly Rundown (5/30-6/4)
Hey guys, We are having a beautiful Memorial Day weekend here in Burlington North Carolina and it’s time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! What an awesome time to reflect on all the freedoms we enjoy here in America and all of the men and women who sacrificed their lives to make
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CFS Weekly Rundown (5/23-5/28)
Hey guys, It’s a beautiful Sunday here in Burlington North Carolina and an excellent time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown. We have a super big week ahead of us so be sure to check out the announcements! Last week we wrapped up our strength cycle so we will be taking a
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CFS Weekly Rundown (5/16-5/21)
Hey guys, What is up? It is a beautiful Sunday here in Burlington North Carolina and a perfect day for another CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! This is going to be an exciting week because we are wrapping up our nine week strength cycle and we will be testing our lifts! This is
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CFS Weekly Rundown (5/9-5/14)
Hey guys, First off, happy Mother’s Day to all of our CFS moms out there! You guys are smart, strong, and skilled at juggling life, kids, and fitness! We appreciate you all so much! Now it’s time for another installment of the CrossFit Simplicity weekly Rundown! We are rolling steady into me
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CFS Weekly Rundown (5/2-5/7)
Hey guys, It seems like another week has flown by here at the gym and it’s Sunday again! Time for the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! It’s also an exciting time as we start a new week and a new month. That means he will be drawing Aprils committed club winner and giving
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CFS Weekly Rundown (4/25-4/30)
Hey guys, It was a beautiful day here in Burlington North Carolina and I hope everyone enjoyed it! I know the girls and I enjoyed it a little bit too much and that’s why this is a late night Rundown. I think this week we will call it the CrossFit Simplicity “Briefly”
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CFS Weekly Rundown (4/18-4/23)
Hey guys, It is a beautiful beautiful Easter Sunday here in Burlington North Carolina. That’s not a typo, it’s beautiful and I’m grateful for another week with you all and another CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! I love this time of years we get deeper into spring and begin to live in the
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CFS Weekly Rundown (4/11-4/16)
Hey guys, It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The release of the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! It’s Easter week here at the gym and we have lots of great workouts and bunny themes to keep your week entertaining and effective. We are on the week four of our strength cycle and you guys
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CFS Weekly Rundown (4/4-4/9)
Hey guys, What a beautiful Sunday in Burlington North Carolina! Take a moment just to reflect that you woke up today with the opportunity to live and enjoy the day…then go out and do it! Maybe start by reading this installment if the CrossFit Simplicity Weekly Rundown! This is our first
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